If I decide to participate in a study, what happens next?

Once a person decides to take part in a clinical trial, they may wonder what comes next, BUT remember before deciding to participate in a clinical trial all participants should learn important information about the clinical trial during the informed consent process. 

  • A member of the research team, made up of doctors, nurses, and research assistants will explain the purpose of the trial, test and procedures, treatment, and risk and benefits. They will tell you what happen next.
  • You will need to give your signature or verbal permission to show that you agree to participate and that you know your rights and role in the study.
  • These are what make up a consent form. The form includes written details about the study, and information that was discussed, and describes the privacy of your records.
  • Researchers may reach out to you for future studies
  • Appointments and lab test if needed will be scheduled
  • If the study involves biobanking, your samples will be stored until needed for research


  • You can always ask questions if you do not know what to expect!
  • You can always leave the study at any time and your doctor will discuss other treatment options with you!