Clinical trial myths vs. truths
- Myth: Clinical trials are not a great option for patients.
Truth: Many treatments today are the result of past clinical trials.
- Myth: Once I join a study, I cannot change my mind.
Truth: You can change your mind and leave the study at any time.
- Myth: If I donate samples, someone will be able to identify me.
Truth: Donated samples are labeled with special codes to ensure your identify remains hidden.
- Myth: If I do not get placed into the treatment group, I will not get the right medicine or treatment for my disease.
Truth: You will always receive the standard of care treatment that is widely used by health care professionals and accepted by medical experts for your condition, regardless of which group you are placed into.
- Myth: In a clinical trial, I am a guinea pig.
Truth: Researchers follow rules to ensure you are always treated with respect and receive quality care, maximum benefits, and minimal harm.